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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday September 15

7:00am - Yep, the day started at the normal time. This seems to be a good time to get up and get going as we seem to be getting in pretty late and by the time we unwind its really late! Breakfast was the standard at McD's. Yum! Love the bagel sandwiches. I am going to miss them when I am gone from this part of the country again. We were off and running to our first destination of the day, NC Aquarium. Last year we did a lot of zoos. This year we seem to have a lot of aquariums of the agenda. That's ok, I like them! We cruised around and looked at the exhibits, saw all the fish and jellies, sharks and stingrays. There is always a petting pool at aquariums, and that is always fun. I sometimes get the feeling the creatures are thinking, "Stop touching me, stop touching me, stop touching me!" After the aquarium, we headed over to the ferry and took it across the inlet. Yay! It was our first official sighting of something oceany. The trip took about 30 minutes and we were off to our next destination, Alligator Adventure. This place had lots and lots of gators and crocs, just stacks of them, everywhere! Big ones, small ones, albino ones, tailless ones, foreign ones, domestic ones. All kinds. It was pretty interesting and neat to see all the gators and crocs. One croc was gigantic. His head alone was probably as big long as my upper body! Rogue gators and crocs have a home here. That's good! Next we were off Ripley's Aquarium. It was neat, but I actually liked the one we went to in the morning better. Ripley's was smaller and higher priced. But we still had a good time and that's all that matters! So C made this agreement with me that we would try local places to eat more frequently instead of the processed fast food all the time. So today for lunch, we had BBQ! OK, I had BBQ, he had chicken fingers. Really? Yes, really. And he didn't even dip them in BBQ sauce. But at least we didn't have fast food. And for dinner! We went to Medieval Times! Dinner and a show! It was awesome. And so cool to see C eat with his fingers. hehehe They said silverware hadn't been invented yet so we didn't get any. C doesn't eat things like ribs because you have to eat them with your fingers. It was pretty good grub and a cool show. Tonight we are staying in a oceanfront hotel with a gorgeous view of the ocean. It is so nice. Leave the door open a little and fall asleep to the waves crashing against the sand. Ahh, that's the life.

Weather - Sun and muggy

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