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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday September 20

8:00am - Today we decided to sleep in a little since we had gotten up so early yesterday. We were pretty close to what we were going to do, so we were not in a big hurry. It was a sad morning, after turning away from the coast yesterday, we were officially back land-side. It will be another year before I see ocean again. Off to breakfast at McD's and then to our destination for the day, Dallas World Aquarium. We took the trolley and were going to walk until we got there and realized it was about six or more blocks off the trolley line. Car, please. lol So we thought about stopping at the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank on the way back to the car. C looked it up on his iphone and, well, no, we couldn't do that either. Tours have to be arranged in advance, but tours are suspended right now because of remodeling. Oh, well. Another time. At least we know and we can look at making a reservation for a tour next time. So we got to the car and drove down to the Aquarium and parked. The aquarium was pretty big and very well organized. They have manatees there! You don't see those very often. We spent a couple hours there, which was a long time for us, but we enjoyed it and had a good time. We even had lunch. We headed out on the road to where we planned to stay for the night, Norman, OK. Just outside OKC. We saw two places that we put on the list for next time as they looked interesting, they were exotic animal parks. I like those. We got to the hotel at a decent time and got pizza from a local place and just watched some TV. Tomorrow we start our Route 66 tour!

Weather - Sun

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