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Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday September 19

6:00am - Our day dawned bright and early and with promise. .....Until we opened the door and walked outside. And saw that it was just downpouring. We still headed out to our first destination, picking up breakfast at McD's along the way. We had to drive through rush hour traffic, which is why we had to leave so early. We got to the other side of town about 45 minutes early, and it was still coming down. We wanted to do a swamp tour, but it was an open air boat. Not something you want to be on when it's raining and you have no jacket and an expensive camera. So we bagged it. We also bagged everything else we were going to do in New Orleans because it was all outside stuff - walking around the French Quarter and a riverboat cruise. We had checked out the weather forecast on C's iphone while we were deciding what to do and saw that rain was in the forecast for the entire day, so we pulled up stakes and headed out. We didn't have anything else planned so we just did some touristy siteseeing. We located Red Jacket Firearms ("Sons of Guns") outside Baton Rouge and VexCon ("Billy the Exterminator") outside Shreveport. We then headed towards Dallas, TX and called it a day about an hour east of Dallas. Nothing exciting today, it was a pretty boring day.

Weather - Rain (southern LA)
Sun (nothern LA, TX)

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