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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday September 17

7:30am - Yep, you guessed it. Day started at the normal time. Breakfast at the normal place. We have a great routine going! We headed out straight away to our first destination, Tallahassee, FL. We are destined for the Tallahassee Car Museum. C loves cars, his favorite are the (real) muscle cars from the late 60's and early 70's. This museum had quite a few on display and even I found at least two that I would like to take home. They had lots of other things too, trains, model cars, cash registers, boats, knives, even some guns. There were lots of items there! It was pretty interesting. After we left the museum, we headed on our way to Pensacola, FL. We have something planned here as well, but we did not get in early enough so we just checked into the hotel and I did boring old laundry. I know, exciting, right? lol We spent most of the day driving so not much to tell today, sorry! More tomorrow, I am sure!

Weather - Sun and humid

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