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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday September 11

7:00am - First, a moment of silence.

The day starts around the normal time. Even though the room wasn't that great, we both still got some pretty good sleep. That's always a good thing. Both of us are fully recovered from our headaches and it's off to McD's for breakfast. Yes! We are in bagel sandwich land! Finally. Why, oh why, must AZ hate the bagel sandwich and not carry it?? It's so delicious! So what if it has like 9 million calories. That's minor. You know what you're getting yourself into when you eat out anyway. Our destination today is Memphis, TN. We have a full afternoon planned and we are about three or so hours away. Our first stop was at the famous Elmwood Cemetary. The cemetary is very old and some very famous people are buried there. There is even a section for Confederate soldiers. The place is enormous and there are some very ornate mausoleums and obelisks. It is definately worth checking out if you're in Memphis. Next we did the Memphis Riverboats. We went up and down the Mississippi River and learned some of the history of the area and about the river. Very scenic and an enjoyable time a paddle boat! The last thing we did was the Main Street Trolley. This takes you around some of the more popular sections of the city. Such as Beale Street, where all the jazz clubs are located. By the Peabody Hotel, where they loose the ducks at 4:30pm. We didn't get to see that, maybe another time. And along the Mississippi River. A lot of stuff crammed into a very short period of time! We had a good time but had to head out of town. We wanted to get as close to Nashville as possible. We drove for quite awhile and stopped about 40 miles outside Nashville. All in all, it was a long day, more than 12 hours!! Whew, no wonder I am tired.

Weather - Sun and rain

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