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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday September 10

9:00am - The day dawns a little late so we could sleep in from our late night. Both of us woke up with headaches. Not so good! Breakfast at McDonald's. Too bad I don't own stock! Last year we ate almost exclusively at McD's for breakfast! We had another long day of driving, with nothing else planned. Around 600 miles or something crazy! All the way to Little Rock, AR. We didn't make it. We stopped in Clarksville, AR. It's about an hour and a half outside Little Rock. Another Super 8. C loves the '8'. We should get stock in the '8'! Some are good, some not so good. This one, not so good. So if you ever find yourself in Clarksville, AR, please do not stay at this '8'. We had some rain today. Please rain, make a visit in TX to help with the wildfires.

Weather - Sun and rain

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