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Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday September 12

7:30am - The day started around the normal time. Breakfast at McD's. This one had sausage bagel, wow! So yummy! Usually on vacay we get a soda and an iced coffee with breakfast but neither of us has gotten an iced coffee yet. Bizarre. Well, we didn't have much scheduled for today because we had to make it into North Carolina by the end of the day. We originally wanted to do the Music City Trolley tour in Nashville, but we didn't make our reservation 24 hours in advance so we couldn't do that. Turned out to be a good thing. We weren't really interested in any of the things that were on the stops except the Parthenon. Neither of us are country music fans so most things music are wasted on us. We ended up doing a two cent tour of the city and doing only the Grand Ole Opry (that's the closest I will ever be to country music!) and the Parthenon. The Parthenon is a full sized replica of the one in Europe. We wanted to go inside, but just our luck, they are closed on Mondays. So after we saw those two things, we hit the road and headed for NC. It was a nice drive, but long. We lost another hour so we are now on East Coast time. We stopped just outside Charlotte so we are close to what we have planned for tomorrow. We called it a night at a Days Inn in Gastonia, NC. It's a hotel. I don't recommend it. Anyway, it will do for the night and that's all that matters (at least it's clean [I'm looking at you Super 8 two nights ago...]).

Weather - Sun (yay!)

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