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Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Tuesday, April 20

Today dawned a little later than normal, 830am. We got up and got ready, headed out to get some breakfast. We headed over to the train depot, planning on taking the first excursion at 10a. We ate breakfast and I went over to the office to find out about tickets. Unfortunately, the train was only running at 2p. We could not stay that long, so we headed out as we planned to go to the Oklahoma City Zoo. It was going to be a quiet day, not much planned.

On the way, we saw an advertisement for another train. We got off at the exit where it said to. But once we exited, there were no more signs and wandered around the area. We finally found it, after an hour. Only to find out they run the train on Fridays and Saturdays only. An hour wasted. Back on the road. Now it was too late to get to the Oklahoma City Zoo in time to spend the proper time exploring.

So we planned on staying just outside Oklahoma City and going to the zoo in the morning. Because it was still early, we wanted to go to a movie. We attempted to find a theatre, but after at least an hour, we found one but had lost our interest in seeing a movie so we grabbed some dinner and headed back to the hotel. We just watched TV and vegged. It will probably be an early night tonight because we really want to be at the zoo when they open at 9am.

No rain, but as the day wore on, it grew overcast. Rain in the forecast for tomorrow!

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