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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Tuesday, April 13

Today dawned a little later than yesterday, 715am. Chris still has a sore throat, but I do not have a headache! Yay! We get up and ready, out at 830a. It is very cold outside, and trying to rain. We get our stuff in the car as quickly as possible and head for breakfast. McDonalds, cuz its there, and easy ... and our breakfast staple. So .. wow, yummy! They have the bagel sandwiches! We get those, order is $9 and change. Chris gives a USD10. The lady says, thats only worth CDN9 ... um really? Cuz the guy across the street at the gas station says the exchange rate is 1:1. We have no choice, Chris gives her a USD50. She comes back with CDN35 and change. Woah! Really? Our $9 order just really cost us $15???? Yeahhhh, not so good. Back to using a credit card where if theres an exchange rate, at least we will get the best one possible!

Get on the road and head out. Destination, Calgary. About 500 or so Km. Eeeps. We have our work cut for us! Nothing planned today but sightseeing along the TransCanada. Pretty uneventful today. Except .... we saw some birds, in the road ... they normally get out of the way pretty quickly. Well, one didnt and Chris clipped it with the front of the car. I do not know what happened to it. I hope it was OK. :(

So we left the Canadian Cascades and head to the Canadian Rockies. Lots of construction along the freeway. Apparently they are widening the TransCanada to 4 lanes from 2 in the BC province. They actually were working ... thought it might too cold, but nope. They were working away.

Today, we saw the same semi on the freeway today that we saw on the ferry from Port Angeles, WA to Victoria, BC, Ca and then from Swartz Bay, Ca to Tsuwassen, Ca. A little weird! Our main stop along the way today was in ... the awesome ski town of ... Banff! We didnt do any skiing though. No time, and well, we cant ski. lol One the most interesting things I saw today was the signs along the freeway. There were signsfor deer, elk, moose (!), big horn sheep (!), logging trucks, construction trucks, and grooved pavement w/a motorcycle on top. Interesting to say the least!

We got into Calgary, site of the 1988 Winter Olympics, around 515pm (local time), so we made good time. Had a hotel in mind where we were going to stay .... until we got there ... and the front door was locked. The hotel website did not say it was closed, but we did not care. We went some place else. So we find an awesome place, staying across the street from the Canada Olympic Park (I know, right??? :) ), where all the skiing and jumping events were held. And! Yes, we have a view!! Nice. Get some Chinese delivery for dinner, yum. Dont know about bed time, maybe early. Hopefully Chris is feeling better tomorrow!

No rain except the few raindrops when we left! Nice day until we got into Calgary, where it was overcast ... and they said snow overnight! We will see ... tomorrow ....

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