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Friday, April 9, 2010

The trip begins!

Thursday, April 8

We left around 3pm and headed to California. We made pretty good time, considering where we were headed. The drive was .... interesting. :) Our first mishap occurred when we missed our exit for highway 210. We were in the left lane, and it was a right exit. So Chris decided to try and dart across 6 lanes of traffic to make the exit. We missed it. At the last second, we realized there was a median separating the two splits. Chris avoided it, barely. We had to make a loop around and catch the exit. Our next adventure was trying to stay on I5. This time I asked if we were supposed to stay on the freeway. He said, yes. Half joking, I said, so are you going to wait until the last second and make a mad dash for it again? He said, maybe. I said, oh, I see ... you missed the exit! So .. yea. We had to make another loop around and catch our exit again.

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful. We got the hotel around 130am, in Santa Nella, California. Pretty ok place. Nice employee. Got a discount because it was late! Checked in and pretty much went straight to bed. Out like a light.

No rain!

Friday, April 9

Day started about 845am. Up and out on the road at 10am. Destination, Gold Beach Oregon. We took I5 north and cut over to the coast in Redding. On our way to Redding, we had a run in ... errrrrr, run off, the road. We were in the left lane and someone decided to get into our lane with no blinker and without looking. Chris is an excellent driver, and we ended up with 2 wheels in the gravel and 2 wheels on the rumble strip instead of wrecked or spinning out in the median. In Redding, we got on CA299, a route we have not taken before. It was a scenic, and winding, route. We had our next near miss. Coming around a corner, someone pulled out from a side street, right in front of us. Chris darted into the opposite lane of traffic to avoid the car. Luckily, no one was coming the other way.

We saw a large herd of elk once we made it to the coast, but Chris did not stop for me to take pictures. However, a little bit down the road, there is a little turn out where elk like to hang out (we saw a large herd there last year). We didnt see them in the fields, but there was a small herd hanging out by the cabins there. I did get a couple pictures of those!

The rest of the day was uneventful and we arrived in Gold Beach Oregon at 730pm. Plenty of time to watch TV and catch up with everything going on. Going to bed early tonight, compared to last night. Early day tomorrow!

No rain!

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