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Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Monday, April 19

Today dawned at normal time, 730am, originally. I woke up with a migraine at 6a, so by the time Chris woke up, I was still trying to get rid of it. He let me rest until 8a, then had to get up. Got breakfast at McD's (lovin the bagel sandwiches!) and headed out. We decided to skip the Kansas City Zoo because I wasnt feeling well with my headache. We headed south to Arkansas. I had looked up a couple things to do in Eureka Springs. If youve never heard of, or been to Eureka Springs, it is famous for its Passion Play (the story of Christ). Eureka Springs is set deep in the Ozark mountains and I remember seeing the Passion Play when I was a kid.

On our way there, we found Promised Land Zoo, a drive through animal refuge. They had some free roaming animals, and some animals in enclosed areas. We drove through and fed the ones that would come close to us. Some just looked at us warily, wondering what we were doing or might do. Quite a few didnt even look our way. It was a nice leisurely drive through the area though.

We headed to our next destination, ES & NA, Eureka Springs & North Arkansas Railway. They had a short excursion train through the Ozarks, something that would be beautiful this time of year. We got into town and found out the train is closed on Sunday and Monday. So, on to our next destination, Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge. They specialize in big cats, rescued from around the country. It was a nice walk around the grounds to see cats, bears, and even a monkey!

After the refuge, we decided to call it a night and go to the train the next morning. We got settled and wanted to order some dinner in. Found a restaurant that sounded interesting ... Eureka Road Kill Cafe. Until we found out they were closed. Oh well! So, no real dinner. I am a little tired, my migraine was finally gone but, the affects were lingering. Calling it an early night. Tomorrow we get to sleep in a bit!

No rain!

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