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Thursday, April 22, 2010


Thursday, April 22

Today dawned at our normal 730am. However, instead of getting McD's this morning, we got Burger King! Change of pace. Got a croissanwich. Pretty good! We get on the road and head to Roswell. The alien capital! Or something like that. lol

We made it to our first destination, a free zoo. It was small, but they had a few animals. Yesterday I saw my first white peacock and today, I saw one with his tail open! Wow. So pretty and amazing. They had some pretty nice birds as well. Some exhibits were closed due to new enclosures being made. It was a nice walk around the zoo. In the "childrens zoo", they had llamas and one came right up to me to be pet! Reminded me of my Uncles llamas. I miss them.

On to our next destination, the International UFO museum. It was smaller than I expected and not really what I expected. It had a bunch of reproduction articles and pictures of "The Roswell Incident" of 1947. There were some other articles and pictures about suspected UFOs as well, but I was disappointed.

We originally planned to stay in Roswell, but we were done with what we wanted to do so early, that we headed out to be closer to what we wanted to do tomorrow, Alomagordo, NM. We thought about visiting the site where they detonated the first atomic bomb, but they are only open 2 days a year to the public, the first Saturday in April and the first Saturday in October. Oh well. White Sands Monument, another place I wanted to visit, is probably out of the question also because its really the wrong way towards home. Still, there is a Space Museum and a Zoo to do! Yay!

Got to the hotel really early but since things we want to do are in town, we called it a day. Got some dinner and watched TV. Nice lazy night.

Weather. Well, what can I say about today. We had rain, sleet, .... and snow! Snow? Yes! Snow! Out of all the places we have visited, New Mexico was the last place I exptected to have snow. The snow in Canada doesnt count because it was overnight and didnt really hit us in Calgary, as it was much further south. Rain is expected for the last two days until home. We shall see! While I was doing this blog, it rained and *hailed* outside! Eeeeeeps.

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