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Monday, April 12, 2010


Monday, April 12

Today dawned very early, 530am. Wake up with a migraine, yuck. Chris wakes up with his throat hurting worse than last night, yuck. Up and out 645a. Stop and get breakfast, no drug stores open yet for lozenges. Over to the dock where we wait for the ferry to open at 7a. We are the second person to arrive, the first car. Nice! By the time they start loading at 740a, the dock is full of cars, semis, trucks with 5th wheels, and motor homes.

When we pull up, I glance to my right and what do I see?! I panicked a little, it was a raccoon! They can be vicious, so I quickly roll up my window. Dont want him jumping in. Turns out he must be very used to people, he hung around for quite some time, clearly begging. Some one did feed him. Hmmm, dont feed the wild animals!

On to the ferry and we head upstairs. Get a booth and get comfy. For a moment. Off to get some water and tea for Chris. Later, I see ... oooohhhhh, gift shop has lozenges! Yes, I will take some of those please! Ride takes about an hour and a half to Victoria, BC, Canada! We get off and wait for customs. Quizzed by the customs official, he asked where we were from and where we were going. Of course, we say Arizona and we are headed to Calgary. Asked, why are you heading west to go east? Chris doesnt know what he means....I explain, we drove up the coast, stayed in Port Angeles, and plan on taking the TransCanada to Calgary, sight seeing along the way. Customs guy nods, yes, yes, thats what I want to hear! Off you go! We head into the city and go to the Undersea Gardens. Nice, but very small. I love aquariums, but I would not go there again. We dont stay long, we have another ferry to catch out of Swartz Bay! Switch the MPH to Km/h and we head over to the next ferry, where we get there with more than an hour to spare. There is a little cafe there, so we get some lunch and wait to board. We drive on and head upstairs. This ferry is like a cruise ship! 6 levels, with cafes, a bar, work center, gift shop, elevators .... even state rooms! Wow! Cruise the gift shop, find a couple of Olympics things, yep. I bought them. :) I try to nap as I start to feel a little nauseous. Think its the combination of the rocking and my headache which is lingering. Actually glad to be off when we hit Tsuwassen.

Type Hope into the GPS so we can head out of town, destination Kamloops. We look for "The 1", the TransCanada. It is actually Ca. 1. We change the GPS to Km/h also. Yes, I freely admit that I do not know the metric system ... and, yeah, well .... so ummm, we kinda took the wrong exit and we headed the wrong way. GPS picked it up, so we followed the directions. It took us through the city of White Forks, right near the US/Canada border. Twice people pulled right out on front of us. Oh well! Eventually we find Ca. 1 and head towards Kamloops. Up into the mountains, where there is still snow. No snow on the passes, so we made good time. Found a Super 8 and we are in for the night! Not quite as early of a day tomorrow, so a little time to relax and watch some TV before bed.

No rain .... or snow!

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